Breaking up?

galleryA natural size selfportrait, a scene from a relationship or a fairytale?

The eagle came flying. Telling me to look at my life from above. To use my wings and find my sky. The eagle flew and looked for food.

A bird had a nest in a Crown. Small Birds are always hungry, they have great Needs. An empty Crown is heavy, a symbol of power. The bird came with new life. Life continues.

A Queen and a Prince of Flowers. Ready for new Adventures. The Animals just came along. They brought their feelings.

There was a King. An abdicated King.

This group of works was made for a soloshow in 2009 and has been shown at the Museum of Architecture in 2010. They are Drawings in air. The consists of ordinary polyester sewing thread.



There are 3 comments

  1. Bobbie Walkington

    Dear Ulrika, congratulations on your beautiful work, I am currently exploring drawing with wire and am wondering if you are drawing with wire or perhaps stitch on disolvable fabric or a mixture of both.   The finish you achieve is so fine.  I love your work. x

    1. Ulrika

      Thank you! Nice that you like my work. My work is mostly sewing thread, I use different techniques to join them with each other. In larger works I work with thicker threads. I tried different ways to work in three dimensions but I prefer using some wire as skeleton and keep most of the threads soft – they have the possiblity to move and respond to the surroundings.

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