This autumn I danced a duet with Jenny Simm. We let her camera catch us from above. I wrote a text to Jenny´s wonderful photos and made this small film of the event.
From Above from Ulrika Berge on Vimeo.
This autumn I danced a duet with Jenny Simm. We let her camera catch us from above. I wrote a text to Jenny´s wonderful photos and made this small film of the event.
Great post, I admire the writing style 🙂 A little off topic here but what theme are you using? Looks pretty cool.
Thanks . Great way to do marketing for your own site! A little off topic, does it work? Nice that you admire the nonexistant writingstyle in this videopost! If you scroll my page you will find the info you need about my theme. There are many cool themes out there, for you!