The eagle came flying. Telling me to look at my life from above. To use my wings and find my sky. The eagle flew and looked for food.
A bird had a nest in a Crown. Small Birds are always hungry, they have great Needs. An empty Crown is heavy, a symbol of power. The bird came with new life. Life continues.
A Queen and a Prince of Flowers. Ready for new Adventures. The Animals just came along. They brought their feelings.
There was a King. An abdicated King.
This group of works was made for a soloshow in 2009 and has been shown at the Museum of Architecture in 2010. They are Drawings in air. The consists of ordinary polyester sewing thread.
Dear Ulrika, congratulations on your beautiful work, I am currently exploring drawing with wire and am wondering if you are drawing with wire or perhaps stitch on disolvable fabric or a mixture of both. The finish you achieve is so fine. I love your work. x
Thank you! Nice that you like my work. My work is mostly sewing thread, I use different techniques to join them with each other. In larger works I work with thicker threads. I tried different ways to work in three dimensions but I prefer using some wire as skeleton and keep most of the threads soft – they have the possiblity to move and respond to the surroundings.
[…] at all. I noticed that my work often focused on complex and not so easy situations in life as in Breaking Up?. Why wasn´t all the joy in my life visible in my art? My threedimesional work started to […]